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Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence in the NY Times.

Read about Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence and our In Memoriam event this past Thursday in today's NY Times:

"This has been the credo of Dor Hadash since it formed as a small study group in the 1960s, a congregation dedicated to the Jewish concept of “tikkun olam,” repairing the world.

In the days and weeks after the shooting, Professor Ban and several others from the congregation’s social action committee formed a group called Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence. It has since become a separate nonprofit organization — not technically affiliated with Dor Hadash, but spiritually very much a creation of it — with an array of members pushing for a change to gun laws at the state and national level.

This was the imperative of remembering what happened to the 11 worshipers last October, said Professor Ban, “to make sure that this never happens to anybody else.”

On Thursday afternoon the group organized its memorial, along the Pittsburgh riverfront, with 11 empty chairs signifying those who were killed. A crowd of people lined up to place stones and flowers in memory of victims of gun violence. Fliers that were handed out included the phone numbers of politicians and lists of specific gun control policies.

“For a tragedy like this,” Professor Ban said, “the work is never done.”"

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